I know how it feels – you have something that’s kinda useless and you think, ‘Well, maybe I can repurpose it for something.’ So you hold onto it. And you hold onto it. And you hold onto it to the point you might even forget why you were even holding onto it from jump street.
2023 is gonna be the year you say no to clutter.
You get busy. You gotta feed the kids. You gotta take care of the hubby. You have to attend school meetings. You have to maintain your sanity. You have to wrangle pets. I get it. It’s a lot. But your house doesn’t need to be clutter paradise.
So, instantly – here are about 30 things you can purge from your home now! LFG!
I should note that everything marked with an asterisk (*) can be donated or recycled (check your city for more details on how to do so).
- Old non-working Christmas lights
- Old magazines
- Unmatched earrings
- Single socks
- Half-empty toiletries
- Worn-out undergarments
- Old phones*
- Books you don’t read anymore*
- Old receipts you don’t need
- DVDs you don’t watch*
- Expired food
- Old swimwear
- Expired meds
- Empty or nearly-empty products
- Candles that have burned out
- Old makeup
- Goopy nail polish
- Old electronics*
- Old and used gift cards
- Empty packages from products
- Old bottles of perfume/cologne you don’t wear
- Product samples you won’t use
- Old clothing you haven’t worn in years.*
- Old toys your kids haven’t played with in at least a year. *
- Old cables and wires you don’t use
- Old baby items – clothing, toys, etc.*
- Old Halloween costumes*
- Useless kitchen gadgets*
- Expired coupons
- Old sponges
So, there you have it. It’s a simple, yet powerful list. I suggest you take it one room at a time, so you don’t get overwhelmed. If it’s a big room, do one area at a time. You’ll have a cleaner home and a refreshed spirit in no time!
How do you like to declutter?